all postcodes in NE13 / NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE

find any address or company within the NE13 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE13 9AL 3 0 55.024299 -1.664533
NE13 9NR 8 0 55.031624 -1.645933
NE13 9NT 10 0 55.031207 -1.644576
NE13 9NX 6 0 55.032763 -1.65772
NE13 9AA 1 1 55.035344 -1.64892
NE13 9AD 0 55.023153 -1.659522
NE13 9AE 0 55.022441 -1.658824
NE13 9AF 0 55.022896 -1.657632
NE13 9AG 0 55.021757 -1.658517
NE13 9AH 0 55.021872 -1.657734
NE13 9AJ 0 55.021179 -1.657506
NE13 9AN 0 55.021102 -1.658867
NE13 9AP 0 55.022156 -1.656653
NE13 9AQ 0 55.023505 -1.653575
NE13 9AR 0 55.02368 -1.655091
NE13 9AS 0 55.022843 -1.654707
NE13 9AT 0 55.02265 -1.653379
NE13 9AU 0 55.022656 -1.652222
NE13 9AW 0 55.022335 -1.653226
NE13 9AX 0 55.021601 -1.654092